The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Water Purifier in India

Equip yourself with key considerations when choosing the perfect water purifier, from assessing water sources to understanding TDS levels.

The Necessity of Pure Drinking Water in India

The importance of clean drinking water cannot be emphasised more in a world where two billion people lack access to safely regulated drinking water. Eight out of ten Indians who do not have access to safe drinking water live in rural areas, creating special problems for the country. Inadequate sanitation and hygiene facilities affect 3.6 billion people worldwide and exacerbate the problem.

Clean water is important for more than just survival; it’s a matter of dignity and the quality of life. Women and girls in India often have to go get water for their families, which keeps them from going to school. Also, every dollar spent on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions saves $4.3 in health care costs, protects the environment, and makes people’s lives better.

Necessity of Pure Drinking Water in India

The Threat of Water-Borne Diseases

Diseases that spread through water are a sad fact of life, especially in places where rapid industrialization has damaged natural water sources. Diseases like diarrhoea, cholera, and typhoid fever that are caused by water are very common in India. Every year, 1.7 billion children under the age of 5 get diarrhoea, which kills 446,000 of them. Cholera and typhoid fever kill a lot of people and account for 3 million and 11 million cases, respectively.

The health risks are made worse by the fact that arsenic and parasitic worms can be found in drinking water. Tropical diseases that aren’t taken care of, like Guinea worm disease and trachoma, are often linked to dirty water and poor sanitation.

Access to safe drinking water and good sanitation can cut the number of diseases in the world by 10%. In some parts of Asia, better sanitation has already led to a 15% drop in deaths from diarrhoea. So, water purifiers are the most important thing that can be done to protect health and keep people from getting sick.

Decoding Water Purifier Technologies

In the sections that follow, we’ll explain the different water purifier technologies, talk about the most important things to think about when choosing a water purifier, and compare the top water purifier brands in India in 2023. Whether you live in a busy city or a quiet town in the country, it’s important to know how important clean water is and how well and safely modern water purifiers work..

RO (Reverse Osmosis) Water Purifier

A semi-permeable membrane is used in the Reverse Osmosis (RO) method of water filtration to remove undesirable molecules and big particles from drinking water, including pollutants, sediments, chlorine, salt, and dirt. Even microorganisms can be eliminated, leaving only pure water.

Working of RO water purifier

Here’s how RO works:

Understanding Osmosis: Osmosis is the process by which water molecules move from a region of lower solute concentration to one of higher solute concentration through a semipermeable membrane. In reverse osmosis, applied pressure is utilised to shift water from a high concentration of pollutants to a low concentration by overcoming the osmotic pressure.

Filtration Stages: RO typically involves four stages of filtration:

  1. Sediment Filter: It removes substantial particles including rust, dirt, and sand.
  2. Pre-Carbon Block: It forms bonds with positively charged ions to block the passage of chemical compounds like chlorine and prevents anything larger than a grain of flour from passing through.
  3. RO Membrane: It can get rid of molecules that are heavier than water, such as fluoride, salt, high amounts of lead, and dissolved minerals.
  4. Post-Carbon Filter: Its purpose is to improve the water quality even more by getting rid of any smells, tastes, or chemicals that might still be in the water after the first filtration. Activated carbon, which has a porous structure that can trap and absorb these unwanted particles and compounds, is used to do this. This makes the water cleaner and better tasting.
Working of RO (Reverse Osmosis) filter in water Purifiers

Result: The dirty water tries to move into the clean water, but the pollutants get stuck and only the clean water moves through. This makes the cleanest drinking water possible.

Pros and Cons of RO Purification


  • Efficiency: RO can remove up to 99.9% of all impurities and sediments from water by filtering out particles as small as.001 micron.
  • Taste: Water is purified from harmful substances and unpleasant flavours.
  • Mineral Infusion: Some systems replenish essential minerals including sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium while increasing hydration.


  • Water Wastage: During the process of water purification, RO systems can potentially wastewater.
  • Cost: In comparison to other filtration techniques, the initial installation and maintenance costs may be higher.

One of the best techniques for purifying water is RO, especially in areas with significant pollution or high levels of TDS (Total dissolved solids). To ensure that drinking water is safe and clean, it is widely utilised in India in both homes and businesses.

UV (Ultraviolet) water Purifier

Ultraviolet (UV) purification is a way to clean water by killing or stopping the growth of microorganisms by using UV light. This technology is often used to treat water because it is very good at killing bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.

Working of UV (Ultraviolet) water Purifier

Here’s how UV purification works:

  1. UV Light Source: UV light is used to emit a specific wavelength that targets the DNA of microbes.
  2. Killing Microorganisms: When ultraviolet (UV) light penetrates a microorganism, it disrupts its biological function, stopping its ability to grow and reproduce.
  3. Water Conditions: Filtered water is ideal for UV disinfection since impurities like iron and manganese can reduce the efficiency of UV radiation through absorption or scattering.
  4. Continuous Power Supply: In order to maintain the necessary light intensity for disinfection, UV light systems need a constant source of power.
  5. Point of Contact: Water is cleaned by UV light at the point of contact, but once it leaves the UV light system, recontamination is possible.
Working of UV (Ultraviolet) filter in water Purifiers

Pros & Cons of UV water Purifier


  • Broad-Spectrum Efficiency: Effective against the vast majority of bacterial strains, viral infections, and protozoa.
  • Chemical-Free: No chemicals are used, so the water retains its natural odour and flavour.
  • Quick Process: Fast water disinfection with no chemical residue.
  • Environmentally Friendly: There are no harmful by-products.


  • Not a Filter: Pre-filtering is required since UV radiation does not eliminate suspended particles or bacteria.
  • Power Dependency: Needs reliable power to work properly; interruptions can compromise cleaning.
  • No Residual Disinfection: Recontamination can happen downstream since just the point of contact is disinfected.
  • Maintenance Required: For optimum operation, routine maintenance is required, including cleaning, and replacing UV light tubes and lamps.

In India, UV filtration is a frequently used technology, particularly in metropolitan areas where pre-filtered water is available. To achieve effective water purification, it is frequently used in combination with other purification techniques like RO.

UF (Ultrafiltration) Water Purifier

A key step in the water purification process is ultrafiltration (UF), a membrane filtration method. It’s a technology that’s now being used more and more in both commercial and residential settings. Here’s a detailed explanation of UF and how it works in the context of water filtration.

What is Ultrafiltration?

In ultrafiltration, liquid is forced through a semipermeable membrane using hydrostatic pressure. The holes of the membrane are typically between 0.01 and 0.1 micrometres in size, which is small enough to filter out particles, colloids, and macromolecules.

How Does UF Work in Water Purification?

  1. Preparation of Feed Water: Pretreatment is the initial step in purifying water, during which bigger particles and debris are removed. This keeps the UF membrane from becoming blocked with debris too big to pass through.
  2. Pressurization: After the water has been pre-treated, it is pushed against the UF membrane at high pressure. Typically, 1–10 bar is used as the applied pressure.
  3. Filtration Through the Membrane: Particles bigger than the pore size are kept on the surface as the water travels through the membrane. This covers pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and other microbes.
  4. Collection of Permeate: Permeate is the water that makes it through the membrane. This water typically undergoes additional purification processes to get rid of dissolved solids and other pollutants, but they already lack the bigger contaminants.
  5. Cleaning and Maintenance: The UF membrane must be cleaned and maintained regularly to keep it functioning properly and for as long as possible. Chemical cleaning and/or backwashing may be necessary.

Applications of UF in Water Purification

  1. Drinking Water Treatment: By eliminating germs and turbidity, UF is frequently used to provide potable water.
  2. Industrial Processes: UF is used to clean process water in many industries, such as the pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and electronics industries.
  3. Wastewater Treatment: Wastewater can be cleaned using UF, which allows for the elimination of contaminants and subsequent reuse of the water.

Pros & Cons of UF water purification


  • Extremely effective at filtering out dust and bacteria.
  • Comparatively less power is required to run this membrane process than the more common reverse osmosis.
  • Adaptability in both form and function.


  • Fouling susceptibility, which can affect membrane performance.
  • To avoid blockage, pre-treatment may be required.
  • Dissolved salts and tiny compounds are not removed effectively.

Ultrafiltration is a versatile and effective water purification process. Its capacity to remove a wide variety of pollutants, combined with its energy economy, makes it a popular choice for a variety of applications. However, correct design, operation, and maintenance are required to fully realise its potential.

TDS in Drinking Water

The amount of salts or dissolved ions in water is expressed as its Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). It is the concentration of salts in the water after it has been filtered or evaporated and is expressed as a weight in milligrams per litre (mg/l), or parts per million (ppm). A lower total dissolved solids concentration indicates cleaner water. The total dissolved solids (TDS) in water can be anything from 50 to 45,000 ppm. The average salinity of the world’s oceans is about 36,000 parts per million (ppm), but in the Persian Gulf it’s closer to 45,000 ppm.

TDS is a neutral chemical because it contains both positive and negative ions in equal proportions. The TDS can be roughly calculated by multiplying the conductivity by 0.65. Water’s ability to conduct an electric current increases with the total dissolved solids (TDS) or ionic concentration.

Ideal TDS Levels for Health

TDS Level (mg/l)Water Quality
Less than 300Excellent
300 – 600Good
600 – 900Fair
900 – 1,200Poor
Above 1,200Unacceptable

The 500 ppm threshold established by the WHO is considered safe for human consumption. Water with a low total dissolved solids (TDS) level may taste flat, while water with a high TDS level may taste harsh, metallic, or salty. Human health, aquariums, pools, and spas are all at risk when exposed to water with high total dissolved solids levels.

Drinking water TDS levels in India

Here are some major findings about the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) content of groundwater in various Indian regions:

  • Ahmedabad: The TDS concentration of the groundwater in Ahmedabad is 1,936 parts per million (ppm). The Indian standard safe limit for TDS is 500 mg/L. (ppm).
  • Amreli: The groundwater in the Amreli district has a maximum TDS content of 7,682 ppm.
  • Porbandar: The TDS concentration in the Porbandar area is 4,898 ppm.
  • Junagadh: Another district in Saurashtra, Junagadh, contains groundwater with a content of 3,478 ppm solids.

Groundwater in urban areas is becoming increasingly salty and unfit for human consumption due to irresponsible exploitation. One explanation for the existing water supply disparities between urban and rural areas is the lack of decentralised water management. It has been proposed that towns like Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Vadodara should adopt Chennai’s policy of mandating water harvesting in all new housing societies. The TDS in Chennai decreased from 2005’s 1,800 ppm to 2013’s 926 ppm because of this change.

It’s important to remember that groundwater TDS levels can change depending on things like location, climate, and human activity. Safeguarding and sustaining the availability of this critical resource requires careful management and conservation efforts.

TDS Reduction Process

Reverse osmosis, water filters, and water softeners are some of the treatment solutions available to lessen the amount of total dissolved solids in water. Reverse osmosis is widely regarded as one of the most effective methods for lowering the TDS content of water and satisfying numerous standards for the quality of treated water. Reverse osmosis is a method for desalination that uses a semipermeable membrane to filter out dissolved ions (salts).

To purify water, the RO method employs the application of pressure to force it through a semipermeable membrane. Reverse osmosis can remove several different types of impurities from water, including sodium, chloride, colloids, fluoride, organics, particulates, and pyrogens.

Advantages of TDS Reduction

Improving the flavour of drinking water is a major benefit of lowering or treating the TDS content. Total dissolved solids should be kept at a reasonable amount to remove undesirable substances while yet providing drinking water with an appetising flavour. Once the TDS level in treated water is satisfactory, it can be put to many other uses.

In order to maintain the quality and freshness of drinking water, knowledge of TDS and its regulation is crucial. Households and factories alike can improve water quality for a variety of uses by adopting cutting-edge technology like reverse osmosis to control TDS levels. TDS controllers help promote a more environmentally friendly and healthy approach to using water.

Key Considerations for Your Perfect Water Purifier

Identifying Your Water Source: Municipal vs. Borewell

One of the first things you should do when looking for a water filter is figure out where your water is coming from. Municipal water and borewell water are of drastically different quality.

  • Municipal Water: Even if it has been disinfected and chlorinated, municipal water might still have hazardous bacteria and other contaminants. It’s possible that a UV or UF purifier might be adequate for this water supply.
  • Borewell Water: Heavy metals and high TDS levels are often found in borewell water, so it needs advanced purification methods like RO to get rid of them.

Assessing TDS Levels and Water Hardness

As we’ve already talked about, TDS levels are very important for figuring out the quality of water. RO is used to clean water with high TDS levels, while UV or UF may be used to clean water with lower TDS levels. Water softeners can reduce the hardness of water, which is mostly caused by calcium and magnesium salts.

Estimating Daily Water Consumption Patterns

Choosing the proper capacity for your water purifier is easier if you know how much water your home uses on a daily basis. A higher filtration rate purifier may be necessary for a larger family.

Budgeting: Finding the Best Purifiers at Different Price Points

There is a wide range of prices available for water purifiers, each of which comes with a unique set of characteristics. It is absolutely necessary to strike a balance between the features you desire, your budget, and the quality of the purification.

  • Economy Range: Low TDS water can be purified using a simple UV or UF purifier.
  • Mid-Range: Reverse osmosis (RO) purifiers that include TDS regulators can handle a wide range of water chemistry.
  • Premium Range: Innovative and technologically superior water purifiers that give full cleaning via RO, UV, and UF filtration, as well as mineralization.
water purifier

The Hidden Costs of water purifier

There are also costs for maintaining a water purifier. The overall budget needs to account for regular filter changes, maintenance, and possible repairs. Some brands have annual maintenance contracts (AMCs) that cover all of these costs.

Choosing the best water purifier requires careful thought about a number of things, such as the water source, TDS levels, daily usage, budget, and maintenance. By knowing about these things, consumers can make a choice that will give their families safe, clean water to drink.

Top Water Purifier Brands of 2023 in India

The water purifier market in India has grown significantly, with various brands offering modern technology to assure safe and clean drinking water. In 2023, rivalry among the leading brands has increased, with each attempting to give distinct features and benefits. Here’s a comparison of the top water purifier brands:

Kent RO Systems

  • Technology: Utilizes RO+UV+UF+TDS control technology.
  • Capacity: Offers various models ranging from 7 to 20 liters.
  • Price Range: ₹15,000 to ₹30,000.
  • Special Features: In-built TDS controller, Save Water Technology.
  • Market Share: Dominates with a significant market share in India.
Kent water purifiers


  • Technology: Employs RO+UV+MTDS technology.
  • Capacity: Models available from 6 to 15 liters.
  • Price Range: ₹10,000 to ₹25,000.
  • Special Features: Taste Adjuster (MTDS), Biotron Technology.
  • Market Share: A strong presence in both urban and rural markets.
Aquaguard water purifiers


  • Technology: Features RO+MF+UV+MP technology.
  • Capacity: Ranges from 5 to 10 liters.
  • Price Range: ₹9,000 to ₹18,000.
  • Special Features: Germkill Kit, Advanced Alert System.
  • Market Share: Known for budget-friendly options with quality performance.
Pureit water purifiers

Blue Star

  • Technology: Offers RO+UV+IBT+ATB technology.
  • Capacity: Models from 7 to 12 liters.
  • Price Range: ₹14,000 to ₹26,000.
  • Special Features: Immuno Boost Technology, Aqua Taste Booster.
  • Market Share: Emerging as a premium brand with innovative features.
Blue Star water purifiers


  • Technology: Utilizes RO+UV+Minerals technology.
  • Capacity: Available in 7 to 10 liters.
  • Price Range: ₹12,000 to ₹22,000.
  • Special Features: Revitalizer, iProtect purification monitoring.
  • Market Share: Gaining popularity with aesthetically pleasing designs.
Havells water purifiers

A Comparative Analysis of Top water Purifier Brands in India

  • Technology: The RO and UV technologies used by all brands are similar; what differentiates them is the presence or absence of other features such as TDS control, MF, IBT, and ATB.
  • Capacity: Kent has the most powerful models, while Pureit focuses on smaller, more compact designs.
  • Price: Blue Star caters to the luxury market, whereas Pureit offers the most affordable solutions.
  • Special Features: Each brand offers distinctive characteristics, ranging from taste customization to water-saving technologies, to meet the diverse needs of its customers.
  • Market Share: Although Havells is significantly expanding its market share, Kent and Aquaguard remain the market leaders.

In addition to providing safe and clean drinking water, these most well-known water purifier brands have included features that improve taste, save water, and add aesthetic value to the kitchen area. The decision between these brands depends on personal tastes, financial constraints, and particular needs.

Dispelling Water Purifier Myths and Answering Your Questions

Misinformation and uncertainty abound in the water purification industry. In this article, we’ll dispel some myths and answer some questions so that you may make an informed purchase.

The Daily Consumption of RO Water

Myth: The lack of beneficial minerals in RO water makes it unfit for regular use.

Fact: Many newer RO purifiers have mineralization functions that restore healthy minerals to the water. RO water has been purified to get rid of all the bad stuff, so drinking it is risk-free.

RO Water and Acidity Concerns

Myth: RO water is acidic and can lead to health issues.

Fact: RO water has a pH that is either neutral or slightly acidic. It has a negligible effect on the natural pH of the body. These days, it’s common to see pH-balancing mechanisms in RO purifiers.

Night-time Usage and Kitchen Placement Tips

Query: Is it safe to drink water from a purifier that has been left on overnight? In the kitchen, where should I put the purifier?

Answer: You can drink the water from the purifier after it has been sitting there all night. You should probably toss the first couple of morning glasses. Water supply, electrical outlets, and personal taste all play a role in determining the optimal location in the kitchen. Typical locations are next to the sink or on a countertop.

Global Perspective about RO Usage & Restrictions Worldwide

Query: Are there any global restrictions on using RO technology?

Answer: Water waste is a concern in areas where water is scarce, hence regulations on RO use may be in place there. Water-efficient modern RO systems are helping to solve this problem.

Online Shopping Tips

Query: What should I consider when buying a water purifier online?

Answer: Do your research and make sure you know what you’re getting before you buy. The legitimacy of online purchases can be ensured by shopping at authorised retailer or manufacturer websites, such as

Water purifier Maintenance

A water purifier’s effectiveness relies on regular servicing and prompt repairs. Consumers can easily obtain clean, contaminant-free water without incurring any additional expenses if they are informed decision-makers and select companies with trustworthy after-sale support.

Water Quality in India

The Bureau of Indian Standards has conducted testing on the water quality in each of the Indian state capitals, and the results are summarised below.

RankCapitalNumber of Samples FailingNo of Individual Parameters of Samples Failing
1Mumbai0 out of 100
2Hyderabad1 out of 101
2Bhubaneshwar1 out of 101
3Ranchi1 out of 104
4Raipur5 out of 103
5Amravati6 out of 107
6Shimla9 out of 101
7Chandigarh10 out of 102
8Thiruvananthapuram10 out of 103
9Patna10 out of 104
9Bhopal10 out of 104
10Guwahati10 out of 105
10Bengaluru10 out of 105
10Gandhinagar10 out of 105
11Lucknow10 out of 106
11Jammu10 out of 106
12Jaipur10 out of 107
12Dehradun10 out of 107
13Chennai10 out of 109
14Kolkata9 out of 910
15Delhi11 out of 1119

Key Insights:

Mumbai’s municipal water supply has passed all 11 of BIS’s quality-control tests, ensuring that it is 100 percent safe to drink.

All the individual metrics failed for water samples from Delhi, including those from the office and residence of the Union Consumer Affairs Minister, showing the poorest water quality in the country.

The water generated at filtration plants may be of the highest quality, but it loses some of its purity on the way to the reservoirs where it is stored. This is owing to the poor condition of last-mile pipeline networks, which are particularly prevalent in urban slums.

The areas from which water samples are taken might also have an impact on the overall quality of the samples. Results may improve in places with newer infrastructure as compared to those with older, deteriorating infrastructure.

Even though Mumbai and other cities have taken great measures to enhance water quality, problems such as NRW still exist. Leaks, theft, pilferage, and unbilled usage all contribute to the systemic distribution loss represented by NRW.


The search for safe drinking water in India is complicated by several aspects beyond health, including the country’s economy and the state of its natural resources. The growing prevalence of water-related diseases and the difficulties faced by individuals and families in areas where these resources are scarce highlight the critical nature of this matter. The gap between the need for clean water and its availability can be filled by using today’s filtration technologies.

Finding the best water purifier in India in 2023 calls for research, knowledge, and forethought. The importance of having a trustworthy water purifier cannot be emphasised, given the requirement for clean drinking water and the risk of water-borne infections.

We hope this post was helpful to you as you explore water purification options like reverse osmosis, ultraviolet sterilisation, ultrafiltration, and total dissolved solids controllers. To help consumers make educated decisions, we’ve decoded these technologies and exposed their benefits and drawbacks.

Key factors including locating water sources, determining TDS levels, forecasting daily consumption, setting a budget, and comprehending maintenance expenses have also been discussed. These insights are tailored to the requirements of Indian families living in various parts of the country.

Our Recommendations

With this guide at your side, we hope you’ll have an easier time getting started on your search for the best water purifier. This post has offered helpful information for you, whether you are worried about water contamination, interested in the newest innovations, or just looking for the best discounts.

Are you prepared to decide? Learn about the best water purifier brands, evaluate available options, and choose on the one that’s right for you. Start looking through India’s top water purifiers right now by checking out some of our top picks in this regard!

Sl. No.ProductBuy Link
1Sure From Aquaguard Delight NXT RO+UV+Taste Adjuster(MTDS) 6L storage Water Purifier  Check on Amazon
2KENT Supreme Alkaline Water Purifier (11113)  Check on Amazon
3Aquaguard Aura RO+UV+UF+Taste Adjuster(MTDS) with Active Copper & Zinc 7L water purifier  Check on Amazon
4Havells AQUAS Water PurifierCheck on Amazon
5KENT Gold Optima Gravity Water Purifier Check on Amazon
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